Welcome to the home page of Lixper In recent years the economy has changed very quickly in parallel to the evolution of technology. New services which recently did not feel any need or who were still in the minds of their designers are now considered essential and what was modern and functional few years ago, today, in some cases it may be considered obsolete. The sudden acceleration of the technology is reflected against companies and their IT departments in a continuous tracking to maintain updated their installations both from the hardware point of view and, more important, from the point of view of the software. In this context, the percentage of the budget that companies make available to their IT departments is ever increasing and where they have reached a ceiling there is a decay decay constant and continuous. It is therefore clear that in comparison to recent past, the quality/price ratio has become more and more an essential parameter in the choice of a company, and to provide a good quality/price ratio requires some assumptions:
Lixper was founded in 2004 with the aim of the founders to provide their services at a great cost/benefit ratio making the most of current technology. To achieve this objective, in addition to have and maintain a thorough knowledge of both the technology and the functional aspects of the problems, there is a tendency to make the most of what today is the open source and free software, that means a mine almost infinite solutions for every problem at no cost (this website was made using as a opensource CMS). Furthermore, it was decided not to marry a particular platform or operating system, but to operate in any environment; however even in this case it is preferred to opt for "open" or "free" solution and therefore in general in orbit around the unix world and above all the GNU/Linux world (and expecially GNU/Linux Debian) that provides high quality with low cost or no costs at all. In addition Lixper has set itself the goal of developing their products by identifying market areas in which existing products were either lacking or of poor quality, being able to propose efficient solutions. |
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